All inclusive Managed Cloud Office

Delivered as a fully managed experience, our Managed Coud Office solution unifies digital workplace experiences by providing all office productivity tools: End-User Computing + Email & Collaboration + Backup, Security & Monitoring under one company account with secure access controls backed by 24/7 priority support to make hybrid environments work better, improve efficiency & optimize operational costs

Unify your workplace experiences, make hybrid work better to build a resilient enterprise

Your Office on Cloud. Delivered

Add/Manage specific or all office productivity tools under one account

End-User Computing

Secure workstation access & IT support

Endpoint Detection and Response
Data Loss Prevention
Password Manager
Remote IT Management
Cloud Desktop
End-user Managed Services

Email & Collaboration

Email solutions to get more done with less costs


Productivity Monitoring

Track your distributed workforce with detailed team activity analysis, Insights into daily and hourly team activities and context-rich reporting


Backup and Recovery

Unlimited Devices
Scalable Storage on Cloud
File/Drive/System Level Backup
AES 256-bit Encryption
Instant Recovery

Unify your digital workplace experiences, make hybrid work better to build a resilient enterprise

Tons of Features. Included

Knowledge is Power

Real-time monitoring & analytics

Simple is King

Unified Cloud Office Control Panel

User Access Controls

Groups, Users & Permissions Management

Easy Management

We help organizations unify workplace experiences & make hybrid work better


Managed Priority Support

Delivered as a fully managed experience with following benefits INCLUDED FREE




Multi-Cloud24/7 OPERATIONS

Multi-Cloud24/7 Multi-Channel


Unify your digital workplace experiences, make hybrid work better to build a resilient enterprise

Looking for individual subscriptions?

Everything your business needs to be productive

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Boost Your Workspace Efficiency with a Managed Cloud Office Solution in Dubai, UAE

In the modern business landscape, efficiency and adaptability are paramount. This is especially true in a dynamic and fast-paced business hub like Dubai, UAE. One way to achieve enhanced operational efficiency and flexibility is through a managed cloud office solution. Here’s how implementing a managed cloud office can revolutionize your workspace in Dubai.

1. Scalability and Flexibility

A managed cloud office solution allows businesses to scale resources up or down based on demand. This flexibility is crucial for companies in Dubai, where market conditions can change rapidly. Whether you need additional storage, more processing power, or enhanced networking capabilities, a managed cloud service can adapt to your needs without the need for significant capital investment in physical infrastructure.

2. Enhanced Collaboration

Cloud office solutions provide a platform for seamless collaboration. With tools like Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace, and other cloud-based applications, team members can work together in real-time from different locations. This is particularly beneficial for the diverse, multicultural workforce in Dubai, facilitating efficient collaboration across different time zones and geographical locations.

3. Improved Security and Compliance

Managed cloud services offer robust security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and regular security updates. In Dubai, where data protection is a significant concern, especially with laws like the UAE Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL), having a managed cloud solution ensures compliance and reduces the risk of data breaches.

4. Cost Efficiency

By leveraging a managed cloud office solution, businesses can reduce IT costs. There's no need for substantial upfront investment in hardware, and maintenance costs are significantly lower. Pay-as-you-go models also mean that you only pay for the resources you use, making budgeting more predictable and manageable.

5. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

In the event of a disaster, having a managed cloud office solution ensures that your data and applications are backed up and can be restored quickly. This is crucial for maintaining business continuity in Dubai, where the ability to recover swiftly from disruptions can provide a competitive edge.

6. Access to Latest Technologies

Managed cloud service providers continuously update their offerings with the latest technologies and innovations. This ensures that businesses in Dubai can stay ahead of the curve without having to constantly invest in new technologies. It also allows companies to experiment with new tools and services to improve their operations without committing to large-scale purchases.

7. Professional Support

With a managed cloud solution, businesses benefit from professional support and expertise. This is particularly valuable in a city like Dubai, where having access to specialized IT support can help resolve issues quickly and keep operations running smoothly. Managed service providers offer 24/7 support, ensuring any technical issues are addressed promptly.


Implementing a managed cloud office solution in Dubai, UAE, can significantly boost your workspace efficiency. By offering scalability, enhanced collaboration, improved security, cost efficiency, and access to the latest technologies, a managed cloud office is an investment in the future of your business. Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, the agility and reliability provided by managed cloud services can help you navigate the complexities of the Dubai business environment and achieve sustained success.

For businesses looking to enhance their operational efficiency and embrace the future of work, partnering with a reliable managed cloud service provider is a strategic move. The benefits of such solutions are clear, making it an essential consideration for any forward-thinking organization in Dubai.
